
目前显示的是 九月, 2020的博文

Frying snack food unit equipment


Vacuum frying machine for fruit and vegetable


Apple Chips vacuum fried Production Line

Best quality   Vacuum frying machine for fruit and vegetable For more useful video, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/catherinejicatherineji520/?sub_confirmation=1 To know more about our group and how we can help you, f ollow us on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catherineji521 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Catheri78165455 LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherineji1985/ Contact: WeChat/WhatsApp/Mob/Тел: +86 180 0531 1413 Email:salesfoodmachinery@gmail.com 

Automatic machine fryer price suppliers


Картофель фри автоматическая машина для фритюрницы


vacuum chips fryer

  果蔬脆片是利用真空低温油炸技术加工而成的一种脱水食品,在加工过程中,先把果蔬切成一定厚度的薄片,然后在真空低 温的条件下将其油炸脱水而成,产生一种酥脆性的片状食品,故而命名为果蔬脆片。

vacuum fryer

  Vacuum Frying of vegetables is a relatively new process. Rather than deep frying the vegetables in oil at high temperature, the vegetables are processed at lower temperatures. This helps in the retention of natural nutrients, color, texture, and flavor. This also results in very low oil absorption and oil degradation. These chips are made by using high-quality products sourced directly from the farmers. The chips are rich in taste, crispy, and very low on fat.

high-quality vacuum fryer

  It may be concluded that vacuum frying could be an efficient alternative method of frying. The vacuum frying can be used to reduce oil content during the production of fried foods such as beetroot chips with higher retention of betalain content (13.68 mg/l) as compared to atmospheric fried beetroot chips (2.6 mg/l).